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Letter From The Editor: Signing Off with Gratitude

Photo provided by Mauranne Vernier
Photo provided by Mauranne Vernier

Dear Blueprint Readers,

When I first embarked on the journey to restart The Historic Blueprint Newspaper, it felt like a daunting task initially. I questioned myself constantly along the way. Yet, it felt like an endeavor that needed to be done, not only for my personal growth but for the legacy of Spelman College. 

I vividly remember our first meeting in Cosby on the third-floor cloister. We were all brimming with excitement and full of ideas. Even though many of us had classes together and knew each other before, there was still a sense of anxiety in the room. We had no idea what journey we were about to go on.

I always admired journalism from afar, and stepping into the role of Editor-in-Chief so quickly was terrifying. I had yet to learn how to lead and organize a group of talented people. But if there is anything that Spelman has taught me, it is to approach every obstacle and fear with my head held high. And most importantly, to be prepared.

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So, I researched, read, and watched anything I could get my hands on to ensure I handled this role with the utmost care possible. When designing the new logo and emblem for The Blueprint, I wanted to make sure that it was historic but also modern, directly correlating to the overarching theme of our newspaper: Rooted in Sisterhood Since 1956. The font is EFCO Brookshire. The vintage, sophisticated font symbolizes our historic newspaper’s timeless nature. Our beautiful emblem, present on every post, represents a lineage of Black women who seek to write and be a part of thought-provoking, intellectually driven conversations.

Serving as Co-Editor in Chief for the past two years has been an honor. I’m so proud of the work we have accomplished together. Some of my favorite moments include sitting in the front of the computer room on the third floor of Cosby, taking notes, and listening to pitches. The preparedness and dedication to telling the necessary stories of the Spelman experience was a beautiful sight. Witnessing your ideas transform into eloquent narratives through numerous revision stages (Shoutout to our fantastic copy editors!) until the stories were near-perfect are moments that will stick with me forever. 

The greatest moment, however, was touching our first-ever printed issue during homecoming week. Holding the newspaper stack before placing it on our racks was a testament to the hard work, all-nighters, impromptu Zoom meetings, and constant groupme messages we completed these last two years.

But our success these past two years couldn’t have been possible without these people.

To Dr. Williams, thank you for being our guiding light! When we were searching for the perfect advisor, we knew we were looking for someone who would be a resource and help us grow the organization, and you have helped us grow not only The Blueprint’s presence on campus but have encouraged us to grow as young leaders. Through every step, you have cheered us on and offered unconditional support that I will deeply miss.

To Kylar, thank you for being the best teammate ever. Working alongside you has been some of the most fun I’ve had at Spelman. You always have such a positive, infectious spirit through all our ups and downs. I’ll miss our “one-hour” Teams meetings that often became three-hour venting sessions! I could not have done this without you. Our sisterhood means so much to me, and I know I’m leaving The Blueprint in great hands. Always know I’m just a Facetime away.

To my E-Board, thank you for your dedication and perseverance. Many of you have been with us from the beginning, sticking with us even when we had no clue what we were doing and had to pivot repeatedly. I’m so grateful for your patience. I’m thankful to have met you all. I wish you the best for your senior year!

To my Blueprint staff, thank you so much for your hard work. I’m incredibly proud of each of you. I can’t even put it into words. You are some of the most creative and intelligent young women I know. I can’t wait to see you continue to grow with The Blueprint. Please reach out if you need anything!

I look back on these two years with immense happiness, knowing that I was able to create a small but mighty community. While I poured so much into this organization, it gave me twice as much back. I am now a better leader, listener, and, most importantly, sister. Even though my time as Editor-in-Chief has ended, The Historic Blueprint Newspaper will forever be a part of me! 

In every interview about reviving the newspaper, I was always asked about my hopes for its future. My answer remains the same: I hope The Blueprint continues and strengthens in numbers and support. To my amazing staff, readers, and Spelman’s faculty and staff, please continue to engage with The Blueprint. Share our stories on social media, donate, and pick up our newspapers from stands around campus. Help us continue to be the voice of Black womanhood and Spelman!

Signing off,

Mauranne Vernier

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